GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) W związku z obowiązkiem informacyjnym RODO informujemy, że kontaktując się z nami poprzez stronę internetową (formularz kontaktowy lub e-mail) wyrażają Państwo zgodę na przetwarzanie Państwa danych przez naszą firmę, wyłącznie w celu realizacji zamówień. Więcej o RODO znajdą Państwo w zakładce Do Pobrania.

ATTENTION: until the 2nd of August 2024 company closed due to holidays. zamknij otwórz

Cookie policy

Our website does not collect automatically any information, except for information included in cookie files.

Cookies are usually text files which are stored in a User's device and they are designed for facilitating use of webpages of our Website. Most of the time, cookies contain the address of a website, time of storage and a unique identification number.

The business entity responsible for storing cookies on the Website User's device and accessing them is the Operator of the Website: AIM DISPLAY company seated at: Taborowa 24, 02-699 Warsaw, Poland.

Cookies are used in order to:

  • adapt contents of the Website to preferences of a User and optimize use of webpages; cookies are used particularly for identification of the Website User's device and in order to display it according to individual requirements;
  • create statistical data that enable to understand how Users of the Website behave on particular webpages, which allows improvement of the Website's structure and content;
  • maintain a User's session (after signing in) and therefore allow a User to take advantage of the Website without the need to sign in repeatedly on each webpage.


Our Website uses two fundamental types of cookies: "session cookies" and "persistent cookies". Session cookies are temporary files which are stored in a User's device until signing out, leaving a webpage or closing software (an internet browser). Persistent cookies are stored in a User's device for a period of time specified in the cookie parameters or until they are removed by the User.


Our Website uses the following types of cookies:

  • "necessary" cookies, which enable to take advantage of services offered via the Website e.g. authentication cookies used for gaining access to secure areas of the Website;
  • cookies used for security reasons e.g. in order to identify authentication incidents within the Website;
  • "performance" cookies that collect information about the manner of using webpages of the Website;
  • "functionality" cookies that "remember" User's personal settings e.g. concerning the User's language or preferred region of the User's origin, font size, appearance of a webpage etc.


In many instances, software used for browsing websites (an internet browser) allows storage of cookies in User's device by default. Users of the Website can modify settings concerning use of cookies files at any time. The settings can be modified particularly in order to block automatic support for cookie files as well as in order to inform about each time a cookie has been stored on a User's device. Detailed information about cookies is available in Your software's (internet browser's) settings.


Operator of the Websites informs that limiting use of cookies may influence some functionalities available on webpages of the Website.

More information about cookies is available in "Help" menu of Your internet browser.